Uptime Techsultants provides Antivirus and Virus & Spyware Removal solutions for small to medium sized businesses throughout Orlando and Central Florida.
Antivirus and Antispyware solutions are programs made to seek, prevent, and remove malware on computer systems. They are used to prevent threats such as Trojan horses, spyware, viruses, and worms that can be installed on your computer, which can potentially steal data or cause harm to your infrastructure.
We stay on top of the latest spyware, virus, and malware removal tools and procedures. We have developed our own cleaning procedures that will salvage even the most infected operating systems. We are also knowledgeable with which software and tools will help keep your employees computers clean so your employees can keep working without worry.
If your computer or network has been compromised, Uptime Techsultants will assess the situation and eradicate any threats to keep your data safe before serious damage is done.